Knysna 1952 Van Riebeck Festival

This is a booklet program of short stories some of which were written by my Grandfather John Grey Read of Reads Hotel Farm Plettenberg Bay.

Front Cover

Die Dorp Knysna en sy Omgewing

Die Stigter van Knysna (Founder of Knysna)

Religious Awakening (Extract from Bishop Gray's Journal)

The Historical Church of Belvidere

Ontwaking van Geestelike Behoefte (Arousal of Spirtiual Needs)

First Skoolgebou te Knysna


Moonlight in the Tzitzikama Forest

An Elephant Shoot in the Knysna Forrest (Extract of Duke of Edinburgh Letter)

Alfred (Alfred Ernest Albert; 6 August 1844 – 30 July 1900) was the sovereign duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha from 1893 to 1900. He was the second son and fourth child of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. He was known as the Duke of Edinburgh from 1866 until he succeeded his paternal uncle Ernest II as the reigning Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha in the .

Die Groot Vuur (The Great Fire)

Gold at Millwood

The Land of Forrest Giants

The Tale of a Timber Mill

Main Street Knysna 1855

Thesens of Knysna

Table Bay to Knysna Under Sail

Angling for Big Fish

Jockeying for Position off the Clubhouse

The Knysna Yacht Club

The Old Days